This blog began as a tiny hope that a culture of Life in Cleveland could flourish. It is an answer to a need for a central resource that life-loving people can turn to in the midst of their busy lives. The idea began to sprout in my heart several years ago as I sat among a group of pro-life leaders in my parish. I could hear the frustration in their voices. See it in their eyes. We work and work and plan events... and no one comes. Everyone tells us they are pro-life... well, where are they?
I felt a serious twinge of guilt. After all, I hadn't been at any of those events. In fact, this was my first meeting with these good people in spite of the fact that I consider myself passionately pro-life. I had to be honest and say that first, I had been too busy. Secondly, I honestly hadn't known about half of it.
Since that time, I have become increasingly aware of the huge disconnect among the pro-life people in the greater Cleveland area. We run with crazy legs in our own pro-life hamster wheels wondering where everyone else is. The truth is that there are many who are working tirelessly for Life who haven't been able to network effectively. It is also true that too many of us have found our busy schedules pushing our pro-life work to the outskirts of our lives. We aren't sure how to fit it in... and we can't possibly schedule an event of which we are unaware.
The purpose of this blog is primarily to unite by doing the following...
~ Provide an updated calendar of pro-life events in the greater Cleveland area
~ Allow families and individuals the opportunity to see, at a glance, how pro-life work can fit into their busy lives
~ Draw aside the invisible curtain of "busy" that separates us from each other.
~ Give us all the opportunity to do what we can, according to our strengths and limitations.
When we ask ourselves where we fit into the pro-life picture, it is important to look first at the hands and feet and talents with which God has entrusted us, and then just begin....
If you are a sculpture... sculpt for Life.
If you are a painter... paint for Life.
If you are an orator... speak for Life.
If you are a writer... write for Life.
If you are a singer... sing for Life.
If you have good feet... walk for Life.
If you have good hands... care for Life.
If you are a person of faith... pray for Life.
If you have a lot of energy... use it for Life.
If you have time... give it to Life.
If you have creativity... offer it for Life.
If you have intelligence... apply it for Life.
If you are an idea person... dream for Life.
If you are a social person... be contagious with Life.
Above all... love life and live like you mean it.
Email me at andthestonescryout {at} gmail {dot} com
As he was now drawing near, at the descent of the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen, saying "Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the the highest!" And some of the Pharisees in the multitude said to him, "Teacher, rebuke your disciples." He answered, "I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out." ~Luke 19: 37-40
God calls us, who know so well His goodness and the beauty of His works, to raise our voices unceasingly in defense of the dignity of Life.
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