Dr. Warren Hern is an abortion doctor who, in 2002, received the Christopher Tietze Humanitarian Award from the National Abortion Federation. In the 1980's, after having performed about 300 abortions, he wrote a letter to Planned Parenthood discussing the emotional difficulties of being an abortionist. The letter was excerpted in a 1994 sociology textbook and reads in part:
"The technique creates intense emotional responses in doctors, [and] sometimes leads to moral anguish and nightmares."
"We have reached a point in this particular technology where there is no possibility of denial of an act of violence by the operators. It is before our eyes. The sensations of dismemberment flow through the forceps like an electric current. Some part of our cultural and perhaps even biological heritage recoils at the destructive operation on a form so similar to our own.
Read more here... and please, pray for Dr. Hern, who continues to perform abortions. May he allow God's mercy to free him from the terrible burden of a culture of violence and death.
As he was now drawing near, at the descent of the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen, saying "Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the the highest!" And some of the Pharisees in the multitude said to him, "Teacher, rebuke your disciples." He answered, "I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out." ~Luke 19: 37-40
God calls us, who know so well His goodness and the beauty of His works, to raise our voices unceasingly in defense of the dignity of Life.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
He Asked Me to Paint Him Something Beautiful...
My first conscious thought this morning was that the sun was shining and how good it was to see the sun, which has been hidden since before Sandy. I took a long, comfortable breath and was aware of a deep but gentle sadness... and an overwhelming desire to paint something beautiful.
I feel sad but not despairing. Angry but not raging. I think Christians in this country already know that our nation has long been on the slippery slope. This stunning, painful blow is a gift wrapped in the ugliest packaging. A wake up and renewed call to sanctity. Perhaps these are the first steps into an age of martyrdom in America, certainly white martyrdom... maybe someday red. A woman at church spoke yesterday of her native Russia and the American incumbent. "I have lived through Communism. I know it when I see it." We cannot, apparently, change the government, but we can work as Sts. Peter and Paul did until our time is up.
I turned on my computer and found that many others were being led in the same spirit. Being called to redirect their hearts and actions to a higher and more focused purpose. What a gift it is when we can see our areas of weakness and shallowness with clarity so that we might dig deeper and love more.
In the very first post I came across, I read a mama's admission that she has somewhat watered down her writings about the faith for the sake of reader appeal. I understand. I have done that. Then she wrote about how this approach can no longer be. She is called to a substantive witness to the Gospel of Christ. She was called to paint something beautiful, just like I was. It's just another call to conversion and an astonishing gift of mercy.
I kept searching and reading and reading and nodding and nodding at what I read...
America did get what she asked for. Her people were heard loud and clear. It's a time for action. A time for radical love. A time to fulfill our Christian mission and the purpose of our lives. It is disappointing to the utmost to see history doomed to repeat itself in our once great nation. A Cleveland priest calls for repentance on Facebook. A Requiem for a Nation. Beer, bullets, and a bus ticket to Texas.
I started to laugh a little. It's still sunny outside. The most beautiful image in the house is the one of the Crucifixion on the wall. The days coming will not be comfortable for those who cherish life and liberty. But it will bring forth a mighty, mighty Eastertide.
Let's work and pray tirelessly for justice, peace, and freedom of body and soul... and paint something beautiful for God. Blessed Mother Teresa, pray for us.
Today's perfectly timed reading:
Philippians 2: 12-18
12 | Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; |
13 | for God is at work in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure. |
14 | Do all things without grumbling or questioning, |
15 | that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, |
16 | holding fast the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I may be proud that I did not run in vain or labor in vain. |
17 | Even if I am to be poured as a libation upon the sacrificial offering of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with you all. |
18 | Likewise you also should be glad and rejoice with me. |
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
November 7th Mass of Remembrance for Children who have Died
Please pass this along to anyone you know who has experienced the loss of a child...
Mary Queen of Peace Parish
is inviting all to a
Mass of Remembrance
for Children Who Have Died from Miscarriage, Abortion, Disease, or Accident
Wednesday November 7th, 2012
7:00pm in the Lower Chapel
Monday, November 5, 2012
November 5th Election Eve Holy Hour
Our work isn't done yet! One more day before we vote. Let's pray and work until the last possible moment!
Monday November 5th, 2012
9:00 P.M.
Election Eve Holy Hour
Mary Queen of Peace
4423 Pearl Road, Cleveland, Ohio
All are invited to join us.
Please call Father Doug Brown at
for more information.
The following video is of Cardinal Martino on Voting Pro-Life. Thanks so much, Patsy, for the heads up!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
November 1st Mass and Prayer Vigil
November 1st: All Saints Day 2012
Everyone is invited to attend Mass and a Prayer Vigil for Life at St. Adalbert's Church in Berea.
Mass is at 7:00pm.
Adoration until Midnight, with special prayers led on the hour.
Closes with Benediction at Midnight.
Please join us for Mass and a Holy Hour for any portion of the evening to pray for life intentions.
I know that many of us have been without power since the storm hit. I am writing this from the home of a family member because we are still dark at ours. Thursday evening will be a great pick-me-up for us... a chance to get out and get busy praying. I plan on allowing the children to wear their All Saints' finery to Mass. The only challenge will be unearthing it from the dark recesses of our home!
Praying that all of you are safe and that your homes are secure. Hope to see you on Thursday!
Upcoming events:
Every Friday
St. Gerard Rosary for Life
St. Joseph Catholic Church in the Blessed Sacrament Adoration Chapel
(center driveway, park in front, chapel is across from school main door)
12700 Pearl Rd. Strongsville, OH
We try to pray 10 decades and then a chaplet of Divine Mercy.
If the door is locked... just knock and we will come open it.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
I am Voiceless
A number of factors combined this weekend to cause me to entirely lose my voice. It started with a cold and cough. Add some hearty communicating about this and that around the house. Next, throw in an all day craft show where I chatted pretty much incessantly. Now today, after a full morning and afternoon of trying to force my voice to be heard by those who may or may not have wanted to hear it, I can only whisper softly. Super softly.
It's a strange feeling to be responsible for an entire household and not be able to give directions, reply to questions, read a book out loud, or participate in family prayers. Definitely a helpless feeling. Everything else on me still works fine. I just can't be heard when I want to be heard. And sometimes, when I need to be heard.
I'm coming!
Don't touch that hot stove!
Will you please....?
This is how you do the problem.
Are you okay?
I love you.
I laughed at one point and called myself voiceless. I am voiceless. I have no voice. Those words jogged a memory and I thought of the many times I have declared my commitment to speaking on behalf of those who have no voice. Namely, the preborn children who will be destroyed by abortion.
They cannot say what they would want to say. They cannot say what needs to be heard...
I am hungry.
Will you feed me?
I am thirsty.
Will you give me something to drink?
I am cold.
Will you clothe me?
I am afraid.
Will you hold me?
I do not want to die.
Are you okay?
I love you.
I am offering my inconvenient laryngitis today for the children of the world who cannot cry out against the injustice committed against them.
I am also offering my day for all the mothers and fathers who regret their abortions and grieve in silence.
My kids were discussing whether or not my voice would return soon. One of them jokingly suggested that perhaps it would be better for all the kids if my voice were not better tomorrow! She was joking but there was truth in there, too. I am not always careful. I wound with my voice.
For all the unborn, for the grieving mothers and fathers, in reparation for the wounds I have inflicted with my voice.... Lord, here my prayer.
It's a strange feeling to be responsible for an entire household and not be able to give directions, reply to questions, read a book out loud, or participate in family prayers. Definitely a helpless feeling. Everything else on me still works fine. I just can't be heard when I want to be heard. And sometimes, when I need to be heard.
I'm coming!
Don't touch that hot stove!
Will you please....?
This is how you do the problem.
Are you okay?
I love you.
I laughed at one point and called myself voiceless. I am voiceless. I have no voice. Those words jogged a memory and I thought of the many times I have declared my commitment to speaking on behalf of those who have no voice. Namely, the preborn children who will be destroyed by abortion.
They cannot say what they would want to say. They cannot say what needs to be heard...
I am hungry.
Will you feed me?
I am thirsty.
Will you give me something to drink?
I am cold.
Will you clothe me?
I am afraid.
Will you hold me?
I do not want to die.
Are you okay?
I love you.
I am offering my inconvenient laryngitis today for the children of the world who cannot cry out against the injustice committed against them.
I am also offering my day for all the mothers and fathers who regret their abortions and grieve in silence.
My kids were discussing whether or not my voice would return soon. One of them jokingly suggested that perhaps it would be better for all the kids if my voice were not better tomorrow! She was joking but there was truth in there, too. I am not always careful. I wound with my voice.
For all the unborn, for the grieving mothers and fathers, in reparation for the wounds I have inflicted with my voice.... Lord, here my prayer.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Looking for October/November Photos and Events...
It was a busy weekend for pro-lifers in Cleveland and I would love to feature some of your stories or photos here. Please drop an email if you've got anything to share from the downtown rally, October Baby showing, or the youth dinner.
Also, please forward me any upcoming pro-life events for your group or parish so that I can add them to the calendar. Aaand... forward the blog address to anyone you know who would like to receive or share info here.
We had a productive weekend in our family with the older kids attending the 4th annual Building a Culture of Life Youth Retreat and Dinner in West Salem, Ohio. They had a great time (as always) with other Ohio youth learning how to be leaders in a Culture of Life. The games, free t-shirts, and spaghetti dinner were nice, too! Unfortunately, we have no photos share yet. A room full of cell phones and teens and no photos. What are the odds? There must be a photo out there somewhere. I intend to track it down.
More great stuff coming up this weekend... Check the October calendar...
Cleveland Lawyers for Life gather Wednesday.
St. Gerard Rosary for Life on Friday.
Respect Life Prayer Vigil in Berea on Friday.
October Baby showing again at St. Ambrose on Sunday.
Am I missing anything?
Also, please forward me any upcoming pro-life events for your group or parish so that I can add them to the calendar. Aaand... forward the blog address to anyone you know who would like to receive or share info here.
We had a productive weekend in our family with the older kids attending the 4th annual Building a Culture of Life Youth Retreat and Dinner in West Salem, Ohio. They had a great time (as always) with other Ohio youth learning how to be leaders in a Culture of Life. The games, free t-shirts, and spaghetti dinner were nice, too! Unfortunately, we have no photos share yet. A room full of cell phones and teens and no photos. What are the odds? There must be a photo out there somewhere. I intend to track it down.
More great stuff coming up this weekend... Check the October calendar...
Cleveland Lawyers for Life gather Wednesday.
St. Gerard Rosary for Life on Friday.
Respect Life Prayer Vigil in Berea on Friday.
October Baby showing again at St. Ambrose on Sunday.
Am I missing anything?
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Saturday, October 20th: Religious Freedom Rally, October Baby, Youth Dinner
There's a lot going on in Cleveland on Saturday! If you are unable to make an event yourself, please spread the word... sometimes the only thing keeping someone from participation is a lack of information...
Saturday Oct. 20 at 7 PM in Hilkert Hall Rooms 1-3 (doors closest to rectory)
***At 6:00 PM***
***At Noon***
Cleveland Public Square
More info HERE
***At 7:00 PM***
Fr Dennis McNeil and the Saint Ambrose Pro-Life Group will show the movie
FREE of Charge at Saint Ambrose Catholic Church, 929 Pearl Rd., Brunswick, Ohio.
Fr Dennis McNeil will hold a brief discussion afterwards.
For more information, call 330.460.7300.This film is rated PG-13 due to the subject material.
Children under 13must be accompanied by a parent.
If you haven't yet seen October Baby, this is a wonderful opportunity. Do not miss it if you can help it!
***At 6:00 PM***
4th annual Building a Culture of Life Youth Retreat and Dinner
at St. Stephen Parish, West Salem Ohio
More information HERE.
(I believe that registration takes place at 5:30. Please call first if interested)
Monday, October 15, 2012
A Wave of Light, A Wave of Love: Remembering our lost babies on October 15th
In October of 1988, President Ronald Reagan proclaimed October as National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. He said:
"When a child loses his parent, they are called an orphan. When a spouse loses her or his partner, they are called a widow or widower. When parents lose their child, there isn't a words to describe them. This month recognizes the loss so many parents experience across the United States and the world. It is also meant to inform and provide resources for parents who have lost children due to miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, molar pregnancy, stillbirths, birth defects, SIDS, and other causes."
How fitting that October is also Respect Life month.
October 15th has become known as "Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day" and today, people all over the world will be lighting a candle at 7:00pm to commemorate their lost loved ones. The founders of the day envisioned a day to support, educate, and celebrate about loss and love.
From Catholic Sistas:
This is the first year I will celebrate this day and I will be busy running errands for most of it. Fortunately, my errands bring me to a Catholic church at precisely 7:00pm. And I will light a candle for our little Matthew.... and one more in memory of the beautiful children lost to our family and friends, but safe in the arms of Jesus.“Every year on October 15 the nation quietly pauses to remember lost babies. It’s a day that most people don’t even know about. You won’t find it marked on any calendar when you buy it in a store, or find cards for the occasion in even a tiny corner of Hallmark, but it’s an important day for those of us who have lost babies. The day has existed since President Ronald Reagan signed a proclamation in 1988 and serves to, among other things, “inform and educate the public about pregnancy and infant loss.”A tradition on this day is that at 7:00 pm in each time zone a Wave of Light will move across the country, and the world. All families who have lost a baby either by pregnancy or infant death should light a candle and leave it burning for at least one hour. The wave of light will serve as a reminder that there are those of us who still remember – and those who have not suffered a loss pause to surround us in love.
Our Holy Innocents, pray for us.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
October 17th: 40 Days for Life Mid-Point Mass and Prayer Vigil
We're halfway there! The 40 Days for Life campaign is blessing our country with renewed hope! Please join Fr. Doug Brown and the Mary Queen of Peace community to mark this halfway point this Wednesday...
Wednesday October 17, 2012
5:30 P.M. Mass at the Mary Queen of Peace (Cleveland) lower Chapel
Followed by a prayer vigil at the Cleveland Surgi-Center down the street.
Since it's inception in 2007, the national 40 Days for Life campaign has witnessed:
- 1,894 individual campaigns have taken place in 440 cities
- More than 525,000 have joined together in an historic display of unity to pray and fast for an end to abortion
- More than 15,000 church congregations have participated in the 40 Days for Life campaigns
- Reports document 5,928 lives that have been spared from abortion — and those are just the ones we know about
- 69 abortion workers have quit their jobs and walked away from the abortion industry
- 24 abortion facilities completely shut down following local 40 Days for Life campaigns
- Hundreds of women and men have been spared from the tragic effects of abortion, including a lifetime of regrets
- More than 2,100 news stories have been featured in newspapers, magazines, radio shows and TV programs from coast to coast ... and overseas
- Many people with past abortion experiences have stepped forward to begin post-abortion healing and recovery
Have you been out to pray yet? Cleveland info and locations Here.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
October 13th is Work Saturday at Zechariah House!
Zechariah House is a local home serving the needs of expectant women and their children. They rely on the tremendous support and generosity from the community to keep their beautiful home clean, supplied, and running.
This Saturday (October 13th) is the 2nd Saturday of the month, which mean that it's Work Saturday! Once a month, volunteers of all ages and abilities gather to work alongside the moms and staff of Zechariah House, completing various projects.
If you are available from 9am-12pm, I'm sure your hands will be a great blessing to the community! I hear that students from the Baldwin Wallace pro-life group will be there so you'll be in some great company!
For more information, please contact their Director of Volunteers, Peggy at:
padams@maggiesplace.org or 440-886-2620
Their next Work Saturdays will be November 3rd and December 8th.
Other volunteer opportunities include: providing house coverage, cooking meals, cleaning, gardening, sorting donations, baby-sitting, tutoring, etc.)
They also have an updated needs list on their website: The Zechariah House Need List
Some needs are urgent so please take a look.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Bishop Paprocki: The Democrat Party Supports Intrinsic Evil, the Republican Party Does Not
Curtsy to Father V. over at Adam's Ale
Monday, October 8, 2012
Novena to St. Gerard, Patron Saint of Pregnant Mothers and Childbirth, begins today
Novena to St. Gerard Majella
Patron Saint of Pregnant Mothers and of Childbirth
October 8th through 16th
St. Gerard,
You worshipped Jesus as the Lord of Life.
I ask you today to pray
For my special intention.
(Mention intention here.)
Lift up to Jesus
All those who seek to conceive a child,
All those having difficult pregnancies,
All who have suffered the loss of a child,
And all who lovingly lift up their children to God.
Pray that all of us,
By caring for mothers, fathers, and children
born and unborn
May build a Culture of Life
In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Respect Life Month Activities for Kids
Pro-Life Pumpkin
American Life League created a template for carving this beautiful pro-life pumpkin.
PDF template here.
Novena for the Protection of the Unborn & Activity
This project is so sweet. As you and your children make your way through the novena, they are able to place a baby in Blessed Mother's arms each day. At the end, she will have 9 little ones to cradle.
Novena link and PDF printables HERE.
This novena typically starts on the Feast of the Archangels but the Lord will surely hear the voices of the faithful at any time. :)
Additional activities and printables for kids and families can be found under the Printables tab at the top of this blog.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Respect Life Prayer Vigil
This past Friday night, a small group of the faithful gathered to pray before the Blessed Sacrament at St. Adalbert parish in Berea. They participated in Holy Mass and a prayer vigil for the intentions of Life, religious freedom, and that God's will be done in outcome of the upcoming elections. It was a beautiful evening. Quiet and peaceful in the lovely church. The voices of a few raised together in supplication. My family arrived late and we were only able to stay for an hour... but I thank God that we were able to take a moment to spend with our Christian brothers and sisters before our Blessed Lord.
The day-to-day is so busy for all of us, I know. Can we spare just one hour to be together in prayer?
On Friday, October 26th, St. Mary's in Berea will host the Annual "Respect Life" Mass and Prayer Vigil. Please save this date. Our prayers and efforts for the unborn and for the welfare of our country in the upcoming election are so important.
Annual "Respect Life" Mass and Prayer Vigil
St. Mary Catholic Church
250 Kraft Street
Berea, OH 44017
7:00pm Friday through 8:00am Saturday morning.
Holy Mass. All night adoration. Ending with Benediction.
You may sign up for a particular time to pray in the chapel or come when it is reasonable for you. Each hour will begin with a group prayer, led by a volunteer.
Refreshments will be shared all night.
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