As he was now drawing near, at the descent of the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen, saying "Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the the highest!" And some of the Pharisees in the multitude said to him, "Teacher, rebuke your disciples." He answered, "I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out." ~Luke 19: 37-40

God calls us, who know so well His goodness and the beauty of His works, to raise our voices unceasingly in defense of the dignity of Life.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Pro-Life Events for February and March

Lots of pro-life work happening in Cleveland within the next month! Here is a calendar of events. Please contact me if you are aware of additional events and I will add them to the calendar.


You are encouraged to stand and peacefully pray in the public right-of-way outside of abortion facilities in Cleveland at:
12000 Shaker Blvd.
4269 Pearl Rd.
Rockside Rd. in Bedfor Hts.

Every Friday
St Gerard Rosary for Life
4:00-5:00 pm 
Joseph Catholic Church in the Blessed Sacrament Adoration chapel 
(center driveway, park in front, chapel is across from school main door)
 4-5 pm, 12700 Pearl Rd.  Strongsville  
we try to pray 10 decades and then a chaplet of Divine Mercy
 the door is locked... just knock and we will come open it.
40 DAYS FOR LIFE --  February 13 through March 24, 2013:   Consider joining us as we pray, fast, and peacefully stand during a 40-day vigil in the public right-of-way outside of Preterm at 12000 Shaker Blvd., Cleveland or SurgiCenter at 4269 Pearl Rd., Cleveland or Family Planning at 54 South State St., Painesville, Ohio.  
For more information or to volunteer, please call John Noall at 216-245-9744 or visit 

February 26, Tuesday
40 Days for Life Prayer Vigil
3pm to 7pm at the Cleveland Surgi-Center
*This event will be weekly on Tuesdays until March 19th, 2013

March 2, Saturday
Respect Life Prayer Vigil
8:30am - 9:30am
at the Cleveland Surgi-Center
*This event is hosted monthly by Fr. Doug Brown on the first Saturday

March 5, Tuesday
40 Days for Life Prayer Vigil
3pm to 7pm at the Cleveland Surgi-Center
*This event will be weekly on Tuesdays until March 19th, 2013

March 8th and 9th, 2013
Bringing America Back to Life Symposium
 with Emcee Star Parker
at the Embassy Suites in Independence, Ohio
Tickets can be purchased HERE
Lila Rose
Shari Rigby
Dr. Wesley smith
Kristen Hawkins
Rebecca Keissling, esq.
Matt Krause
Dr. CL Gray
Mike Gonidakis
Steve Mosher
Mathew Franck
Ryan Scott Bomberger
Stephanie Block
Michael Voris
Tony Zarrella

March 9, Saturday
The 2nd Saturday of every month from 9am-12pm. This is a great opportunity for volunteers of all ages and abilities to volunteer alongside the moms and staff of Zechariah House, completing various projects around the house. For more information please contact our Director of Volunteers.
Saturday, March 9, April, 13, May 11, June 8 and July 13, 9am - 12pm

To volunteer at The Zechariah House contact Peggy at: or 440.886.2620

March 12, Tuesday
40 Days for Life Prayer Vigil
3pm to 7pm at the Cleveland Surgi-Center
*This event will be weekly on Tuesdays until March 19th, 2013

March 13 Wednesday
40 Days for Life Mid-Point Mass
5:30 to 6:15 at the Mary Queen of Peace Chapel

March 19, Tuesday
40 Days for Life Prayer Vigil
3pm to 7pm at the Cleveland Surgi-Center

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Pro-Life Cleveland in 2013

I apologize for the inactivity of this blog over the last couple of months. In November, my computer hard drive crashed and we are still working to restore and recover from that loss. Also in November, I found out that I am expecting our 8th child (6 born children). Although this is incredibly joyful news, the early weeks of pregnancy for me are a great struggle. Between the computer failure, Christmas busy, a First Holy Communion, and battles with sickness, the blog work needed to be aside for a time. I'll be picking up where I left off here and hope that you will help me in a couple ways:

1. Please spread the word and forward links and dates of interest to your friends and family.
2. Please forward me information about pro-life events or news in the area along with any photos that I might be able to post.

I hope everyone found plenty of ways to work for life and it does indeed look like more than a few made it to the March for Life in DC this year! This was our year to go as a family but my sickness unfortunately kept us home. My husband and kids marched in Cleveland instead and I offered my time at home for the unborn and their caregivers.

Moving on...
We've got big happenings in March with the Bringing America Back to Life Symposium sponsored by the Cleveland Right to Life. This is the pro-life place to be with great food, inspiring speakers, and the most wonderful pro-life community to experience it with.

Ticket information is HERE along with a detailed program and volunteer/sponsorship opportunities. Need some motivation? Check out (and pass along) this fantastic video promo...

Monday, November 12, 2012

Abortion Doctor Calls Abortion "An Act of Violence"

Dr. Warren Hern is an abortion doctor who, in 2002, received the Christopher Tietze Humanitarian Award from the National Abortion Federation. In the 1980's, after having performed about 300 abortions, he wrote a letter to Planned Parenthood discussing the emotional difficulties of being an abortionist. The letter was excerpted in a 1994 sociology textbook and reads in part:

"The technique creates intense emotional responses in doctors, [and] sometimes leads to moral anguish and nightmares."

"We have reached a point in this particular technology where there is no possibility of denial of an act of violence by the operators. It is before our eyes. The sensations of dismemberment flow through the forceps like an electric current. Some part of our cultural and perhaps even biological heritage recoils at the destructive operation on a form so similar to our own.

Read more here... and please, pray for Dr. Hern, who continues to perform abortions. May he allow God's mercy to free him from the terrible burden of a culture of violence and death.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

He Asked Me to Paint Him Something Beautiful...

My first conscious thought this morning was that the sun was shining and how good it was to see the sun, which has been hidden since before Sandy. I took a long, comfortable breath and was aware of a deep but gentle sadness... and an overwhelming desire to paint something beautiful.

I feel sad but not despairing. Angry but not raging. I think Christians in this country already know that our nation has long been on the slippery slope. This stunning, painful blow is a gift wrapped in the ugliest packaging. A wake up and renewed call to sanctity. Perhaps these are the first steps into an age of martyrdom in America, certainly white martyrdom... maybe someday red. A woman at church spoke yesterday of her native Russia and the American incumbent. "I have lived through Communism. I know it when I see it." We cannot, apparently, change the government, but we can work as Sts. Peter and Paul did until our time is up.

I turned on my computer and found that many others were being led in the same spirit. Being called to redirect their hearts and actions to a higher and more focused purpose. What a gift it is when we can see our areas of weakness and shallowness with clarity so that we might dig deeper and love more.

In the very first post I came across, I read a mama's admission that she has somewhat watered down her writings about the faith for the sake of reader appeal. I understand. I have done that. Then she wrote about how this approach can no longer be. She is called to a substantive witness to the Gospel of Christ. She was called to paint something beautiful, just like I was. It's just another call to conversion and an astonishing gift of mercy.

I kept searching and reading and reading and nodding and nodding at what I read...
America did get what she asked for. Her people were heard loud and clear. It's a time for action. A time for radical love. A time to fulfill our Christian mission and the purpose of our lives. It is disappointing to the utmost to see history doomed to repeat itself  in our once great nation. A Cleveland priest calls for repentance on Facebook. A Requiem for a Nation. Beer, bullets, and a bus ticket to Texas.

I started to laugh a little. It's still sunny outside. The most beautiful image in the house is the one of the Crucifixion on the wall. The days coming will not be comfortable for those who cherish life and liberty. But it will bring forth a mighty, mighty Eastertide.

Let's work and pray tirelessly for justice, peace, and freedom of body and soul... and paint something beautiful for God. Blessed Mother Teresa, pray for us.

Today's perfectly timed reading:

Philippians 2: 12-18

12Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling;
13for God is at work in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.
14Do all things without grumbling or questioning,
15that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world,
16holding fast the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I may be proud that I did not run in vain or labor in vain.
17Even if I am to be poured as a libation upon the sacrificial offering of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with you all.
18Likewise you also should be glad and rejoice with me.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

November 7th Mass of Remembrance for Children who have Died

Please pass this along to anyone you know who has experienced the loss of a child...

Mary Queen of Peace Parish
is inviting all to a
Mass of Remembrance 
for Children Who Have Died from Miscarriage, Abortion, Disease, or Accident
Wednesday November 7th, 2012
7:00pm in the Lower Chapel

Monday, November 5, 2012

November 5th Election Eve Holy Hour

Our work isn't done yet! One more day before we vote. Let's pray and work until the last possible moment!

Monday November 5th, 2012

9:00 P.M.

Election Eve Holy Hour

Mary Queen of Peace
4423 Pearl Road, Cleveland, Ohio
All are invited to join us.

Please call Father Doug Brown at
for more information.

The following video is of Cardinal Martino on Voting Pro-Life. Thanks so much, Patsy, for the heads up!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

November 1st Mass and Prayer Vigil

November 1st: All Saints Day 2012

Everyone is invited to attend Mass and a Prayer Vigil for Life at St. Adalbert's Church in Berea.

Mass is at 7:00pm.
Adoration until Midnight, with special prayers led on the hour.
Closes with Benediction at Midnight.
Please join us for Mass and a Holy Hour for any portion of the evening to pray for life intentions.

I know that many of us have been without power since the storm hit. I am writing this from the home of a family member because we are still dark at ours. Thursday evening will be a great pick-me-up for us... a chance to get out and get busy praying. I plan on allowing the children to wear their All Saints' finery to Mass. The only challenge will be unearthing it from the dark recesses of our home!

Praying that all of you are safe and that your homes are secure. Hope to see you on Thursday!

Upcoming events:

Every Friday
St. Gerard Rosary for Life
St. Joseph Catholic Church in the Blessed Sacrament Adoration Chapel
(center driveway, park in front, chapel is across from school main door)
12700 Pearl Rd. Strongsville, OH
We try to pray 10 decades and then a chaplet of Divine Mercy.
If the door is locked... just knock and we will come open it.